Message from the Chair
Established in 2023, the Asia-Pacific (AP) Eye 100 is a biennial event initiated by the Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology (APJO) to honor and celebrate the top 100 most influential and inspiring ophthalmologists from the Asia-Pacific region who have made significant contributions to ophthalmology in the region and beyond.
In order to select the most influential and representative ophthalmologists for the AP Eye 100, APJO has formed a panel consisting of 22 internationally renowned experts who are authorities in their respective fields from 15 countries/territories.
Nominees and awardees must demonstrate significant involvement and contributions to ophthalmology in some of the following areas:
- Academic achievements and leadership roles;
- Professional leadership and involvement in international ophthalmology;
- Research achievements and contributions
- H-Index; SCI publications; 5 representative articles;
- Journal editorial office and congresses organization;
- Patents and innovations;
- Training, teaching and education;
- Humanitarian works;
- Awards and honors, and/or
- Achievements and contributions other than the above areas.
The awardees of the 1st AP Eye 100 (2022) are all well accomplished and influential ophthalmologists in the AP Region. APJO has decided to devote this special webpage to feature their biographies to inspire their fellow ophthalmologists in the AP region and around the world.
The 2nd AP Eye 100 (2024) will be open for nomination in December 2024. We wish the ongoing selection will serve as a stimulus for ophthalmologists to further their commitment and endeavors in advancing ophthalmology at large for the AP region and beyond.

Prof. Jost Jonas
Chair, Selection Committee of the AP Eye 100 (2022)
About Asia-Pacific Eye 100
The Asia-Pacific (AP) Eye 100 is a biennial event initiated by the Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology (APJO)—a joint publication of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) and the Academy of Asia-Pacific Professors of Ophthalmology (AAPPO).
The AP region is home to more than 50% of the world’s population and has become one of the most important engines of the world economy. It is rapidly progressing, so as the ophthalmic community in the AP in the last few decades. Ophthalmologists in the AP region has brought great impact to the ophthalmic development and advancement in the region and beyond.
With this in mind, we believe it is worthwhile to organize the AP Eye 100. Through the event, we hope to offer an encouragement to our AP ophthalmologists in recognition of their efforts in advancing ophthalmology in the AP region and beyond.
Selection Committee
The Selection Committee of the 1st AP Eye 100 consists of 22 internationally renowned experts who are authorities in their respective fields from 15 countries/territories.:

We are proud to present you with the top 100 most influential figures in ophthalmology in the Asia-Pacific region.